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About Us

Youth Mentors was formed to address a pressing need to help young, career-minded adults who are faced with education costs that have soared exponentially and offer no sure-fire guarantee of a fulfilling, lucrative career in return for this investment.

Our association of mentors have all benefited at some point in their lives when someone with more knowledge and experience “took us under their wing,” so to speak, and offered us life-altering advice and guidance that changed our career trajectory.

In turn, we all understand the tremendous value of one-on-one mentoring. Youth Mentors is our opportunity for us to give back and return the favor to those who will immediately benefit from our assistance.

Brian Sheehan

is a founding member of Youth Mentors and he got his start mentoring with Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Broward County in the early 90s.

During his own work career, Brian benefitted tremendously from mentoring by two highly successful business owners. His thoughts:

“You will be surprised and possibly even amazed by how much of a positive effect your mentoring will have for someone. It will certainly exceed your expectations, as will the sense of satisfaction that you will feel.”

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